Unlock Resilient Woman

BATH Foundation: Bringing Acceptance & Trust to Humanity

Bronwen Turner, Director of BL Turner Group, began visiting the woman's homeless shelter with her church where she met these ladies via the church prayer group. Upon meeting the ladies, she saw that her business skills and network would be valuable in helping these woman.

BATH Foundation, a non-profit company, was birthed as a result. It is based at the ground floor of Strollers, a woman's homeless shelter, in Durban.

The aim is to be close to the woman as an encouragement to regain confidence from a once broken place back into society as a thriving resilient independent woman. Where a hope and a future is rebuilt towards life in her own home and to restore her family. 

BATH Foundation is an awareness community: A plaform of knowledge and understanding a woman and youth's rights against gender based violence and human trafficking. With the hope to remain out of the captives of a lost and broken life.

Should you whish to help make an impact, please contact BATH Foundation via BL Turner Group's contact page as we are a new non-profit hoping to make a positive change to people's lives. 

Our Support partner Use-it Waste Beneficiation (RF) NPC is a registered Section 21 Non-Profit Company and a registered PRO and are able to provide a Section 18A certificate for any donor support the project may receive. They will walk the journey with BATH Foundation as we build rapport within the project. All audits will be done via Use-it to ensure all proceeds a effectively used according to projects planned and to guide us newbys too! :) 


Enterpise Development Skills Programs

Crochet: Skills training and development using waste textiles . Turning it into bags and mats for sale in an enterprise of their own.

Sewing: Basic sewing skillset training, which can be used in enterprise ideas / job applications with a new skill.

Micro Enterprise Training:

Five week course, learning how to run a micro business. Post course operational training: Register business; Bank accounts; Setting up flee market stalls to sell their products. 

Bright Ideas 

The ladies are free to explore creative ideas towards their individual development plans where we will guide each lady onto better healthier career choices or  business models.

We are happy to help walk alongside to steer and give networking directional guidance. 

The aim is not to simply give handouts but to show and guide as a growing and independence model. 

Financial Literacy

Some may say, why would one need financial literacy with no / low income. Good question! 

Because every little earned, saved and treasured, is a step closer to independence.

When a person is able to understand the dynamics of financial independence, then we begin to see a thriving individual. No matter the income band. 


No matter the level of education, we will help guide and grow towards desired self study education levels. From basic literacy to university level. 

We provide a safe space to study and do research.

Our team will help refer to resources needed towards completing course levels without stress.

You're welcome! :)